Saturday, February 22, 2014

Hello there...

Hi, I'm Sam and I am a 24 year old tattooed, coffee addicted, pinterest junkie. I have been married to my high school sweetheart for 5 adventurous years and we have 3 wonderful pups. We have done quite a bit of traveling in our young lives due to both our jobs. My husband, Cris, is an Infantryman in the Army and has been for 5 and half years. I am a sales manager and trainer for a meat company. The Army has sent us to Anchorage, Alaska and then to El Paso, Texas. My job sends me all over the U.S. from Seattle, Washington to San Antonio, Texas throughout each month. I wanted to start this blog because my husband, Cris, and I are about to embark on a new chapter in our lives as he will be reaching the end of his 6 year contract with the Army, as an Infantryman. He has decided to not re-enlist, so we will be preparing to transition to civilian lives and move back to our hometown, Dallas, TX. We are both very much looking forward to this transition but we also know we will be taking on alot of 'firsts' for us, since all we have known our entire 5 years of marriage was the military life. As excited we are, we are also just as anxious and a little nervous to see what the future holds for us especially given the fact that our lives have NEVER been dull or boring. Just follow along to find out what trials and triumphs await us in the near future. -Sam

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